Le Petit qui lit is a cultural association, created in 2000, based in Muret in Haute-Garonne.

Its goal is to promote reading among young children.

It offers time to discuss books and oral culture:

  • Teatime with reading and stories
  •  Reading aloud for those who can already read (practice and training).
  •  Conferences, debates for and with early childhood professionals and book professionals.
  • Reading activities, nursery rhymes, and finger games in early childhood structures, libraries, and young public festivals.
  •  Le Printemps du Petit qui lit in Muret: live performances for young audiences and encounters with a book.


 To let young children discover reading in all its forms and involve parents in the process.

 To address all people and all structures concerned with books, children, and education, in order to develop intergenerational solidarity, social ties, and citizenship.

 To promote these actions through gaming meetings with books and stories.

 To set up privileged moments in the places that provide access to culture.


  •    Teatime with reading and stories

 The animation revolves around thematic and collective readings for children from a few months to 6 years old were reading aloud, nursery rhymes and family singing are mixed.

 It’s just a nice moment to savor stories and taste the spoken word.

 Teatime with reading and stories takes place every month at the Théâtrerie de Muret.

 Check our news page to know the next teatime’s date and don’t forget to book.

 Participation is 2 euros per child and a cake from parents is needed.

 Our speakers are: readers of the association, Sandrine Higel from Signes2mains, Florence Bathellier from the Cie des Jours, Daniel Halm from Fenêtre sur cours, Sylvain Brochet, musician speaker, and regional storytellers.

  • Early childhood structure activities

 The activity was suspended in 2012. 

  • Training

 These training courses create a space for reflection for those who are involved in early childhood education. They allow thinking about the animation techniques related to the book.

 The chest of books permits the creation of a center of animation, meetings and exchanges around albums selected by a team of professionals. It can be used by any municipal, associative, social, or cultural structure.

 The Le Petit qui lit training is a part of continuous professional training.

  • Meetings

These meetings allow you to discover the world of publishing, authors and illustrators, artists, and creators of live performances for very young audiences.

They make it possible to think about the place of the book in the awakening and development of the smallest.

 A bit of history

 2009 – The meeting of the very young child with a live performance, Agnès Chaumié of Childhood and Music.

 2007 – Storytelling is also a musical approach with Béatrice Maillet, musician, storyteller, and trainer at Enfance et Musique.

 The day is organized as part of our partnership with the Chanterelle association.

  •  Le Printemps du Petit qui lit

 Le Printemps du Petit qui lit offers for 3 days a playing space around books and live performances for the little ones to offer them a first cultural experience in peace and kindness.

 We offer a meeting for the little ones and their families in our city and in our department.

 We reserve a professional day for everyone who works with books and young children.

 Consult the program for the next Printemps du Petit qui lit and discover the previous programs on our website!